Friday, February 25, 2005

The driver was too scared to call his company or a tow truck, so he just sat there all day. I was at work, but as the story was related to me, they first tried to pull him out with a truck that brought the morter sand, the only effect he had was to break our leech bed pipe. After that outr neighbor came over with his Ford tractor. It is on the smaller side, and got nowhere with the truck, then another neighbor came with a Ford about the same size, and surprisingly achieved the same results. He disappeared and apparently called anither neighbor who came over with this larger Oliver. After several tries and the rearrangement of half of our lawn, he managed to pull the truck out. Whew, I don't know what would have happened if he had not been successful. The driver may still be out there in his truck expecting me to make him breakfast every morning. Posted by Hello

Here is a good shot of the mess left behind by the truck. The driver may still be in there somewhere...I'll never tell. I have to admit, at this point I'm thinkin' .....a nice start on a POOL. Posted by Hello

A close up view of the nice drainage ditches the cement truck left in the lawn. Wasn't it nice of him to do this for free? Posted by Hello

A view of the foundation in progress. Posted by Hello

Despite the day wasted with the truck, work went on. Here the brick part of the foundation is nearly completed. Posted by Hello

Ok, so I know many of you don't find this to be as much of a turn on as me, but I will share anyway. Our land is on the site of aNative American settlement from years gone by. When we dug the footers for our garage, we uncovered the remains of a fire pit 18 inches below the surface. I have no idea what kind of estimate to make on the age of the fire, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't last year. I while later, I was kicking around the dirt and found an arrow head. I look forward to more discoveries in the future. Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 05, 2005

I found four small mice in my chicken feed bin the other day, so I put them in a bug cage and brought them in for the kids to see. Ian loved them and carried them around until bedtime. The kids didn't want me to kill them, so I decided to leave them in the cage until morning when we could take a walk and set them free. Posted by Hello

Unfortunately, the mice had other plans....this is all that was left by morning. We now have several of them running around the house. There has been one confirmed death, so there may be as many as three left. Posted by Hello

Here they are finishing. Ian and I wish we had one of these to play with for a bit. Posted by Hello

Our bird feeder was pretty cool to look at, with the cardinals back dropping the snow. Posted by Hello

We have not had flakes like this since we moved Posted by Hello